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Big Spoon Roasters - Chai Spice Peanut Almond Butter


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Our Chai Spice Peanut & Almond Butter combines American agriculture in the form of peanuts and almonds with traditional tea spices of the Indian subcontinent, where “chai” is simply a word for “tea” in Hindi. Like gumbo in Louisiana or peach pie in Georgia, there are as many spiced tea recipes in India as there are families, who pass them down through generations. 

Our chai spice mixture is a traditional Masala Chai blend of cardamom, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, and black pepper, which we slowly mix with fresh-roasted, freshly milled peanuts and almonds before adding touches of raw, organic cane sugar, raw organic wildflower honey, and sea salt to create a bright, complex burst of flavor in every spoonful. 

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