(914) 245-0409 Bringing the farm home since 1993 - We were farm to table before it existed!
Rancho Gordo - Black Garbanzo

Rancho Gordo - Black Garbanzo

Category: Canned/Jarred Fruits & Veggies

Known as Ceci Neri in Italy, these rare heirloom legumes have a firm texture and earthy flavor. 

Suggestions: salads, soups, stews, casseroles, curries, pasta e fagioli

We've been pursuing Black Chickpeas for years, chasing a memory from an incredible meal in Italy.  We were lucky enough to locate Italian-production Ceci Neri and we're happy to offer them to you. They are much denser than classic Garbanzos, making them ideal for salads, stews, or even baked dishes.  The skins are thicker but they are not chewy or tough, just a little more interesting. 

Latin name: Cicer arietinum
Country of production: Italy


16 oz