(914) 245-0409 Bringing the farm home since 1993 - We were farm to table before it existed!
Saratoga Peanut Butter Company - Major Maple

Saratoga Peanut Butter Company - Major Maple

Category: Nut Butters


Saratoga Peanut Butter Co

Saratoga Peanut Butter Co

The Saratoga Peanut Butter Company was started in 2005 in Saratoga Springs, a small kitchen in the heart of Historic Saratoga Springs, NY.  Jessica was a single mom living in a two family home downtown.  She converted the upstairs oh her home into her first PB factory and starting serving the local businesses in town and shipping orders online.  She named her “Monkey Boy” blend after her two year old son, Abe, who was a always swinging from the rafters.   Her plan was to develop and design a product line of nut butters that would not only deliver a heart healthy punch, but would make the soul sing as well. Something that would be absolutely delicious, without losing the “nutritious” aspects.

Saratoga Peanut Butter Co creates unique blends by infusing our fresh peanuts and almonds with ingredients like local maple syrup, dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, dried cherries….you get the picture!  We pride ourselves on not adding any seed oils, refined sugars, or unhealthy additives to our blends.  So many natural PB products out there contain palm oil and cane sugar which is so unfortunate!

The handful of nuts over at the Saratoga Peanut Butter Co. are confident we can bring a HUGE smile to your face despite all the peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth. Our peanut butters are made in small and controlled batches to ensure high quality and freshness in every jar.  It really is an all natural and delicious way to enjoy this wonderful staple while keeping it healthy. Feel free to learn more by visiting our nutritional page for more details.

Also, we manufacture every single jar from start to finish in our own facility now located right outside Schuylerville, NY.   Our factory is located right in the area where the historic Battles Of Saratoga were fought.

We are proud to offer our delicious small batch nut butters 20 years later!  We think that it is a great testimonial that we take our job seriously and care about the our products.  Not to mention, you will have the most incredible tasting peanut butter and “whatever” sandwiches in your neighborhood and there is always a spoon around!